A visual analytics framework for discovering temporal patterns in large scale artistic collections

  • Abdul Qayoom
  • Umair Saeed
  • Shafiq Ur Rehman
  • Nadia Haseen Uddin
  • Muhammad Umer Mushtaq
  • Samuel Danso
Keywords: Artistic Collections Visual Analysis, Temporal Patterns, Visualizing Art.


In this research work we have come up with a framework for the visual analysis of temporal large scale artistic images. The goal of the research paper is to understand and discover the patterns in collections of art. The key technical aspect will be to adapt a standard model/framework and applying it on the specific art collection. Spatial consistency between different feature matches will be used. This will lead to having a more accurate style-invariant matching, and identification of patterns. The approach will be evaluated on selected artistic images. The findings have given us the understanding as to how the visualization of the large-scale paint image dataset can be made while finding relationships among different paintings through similarities and semantic information. This included tracking patterns, finding features with elements and principles in images by using image features. These observations have led to the understanding of influences of artists on each other based on patterns and origins of the paintings. 


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How to Cite
Qayoom, A., Saeed, U., Rehman, S., Uddin, N., Mushtaq, M., & Danso, S. (2023). A visual analytics framework for discovering temporal patterns in large scale artistic collections. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Mathematical Sciences, 2(1), 53-57. https://doi.org/10.58921/ijaims.v2i1.50