The International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Sciences (IJAIMS)  (ISSN Online: 2958-0153 and Print: 2958-5228) is a double-blind peer-reviewed open access academic journal dedicated to publishing high-quality research papers in the areas of Artificial intelligence and Mathematical sciences. The journal serves as a platform for researchers, scholars, and practitioners to share their latest findings, theories, and practices, and to promote the development and advancement of Artificial intelligence and Mathematical sciences.

IJAIMS welcomes original research papers, survey papers, and review articles that cover a wide range of topics in Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical sciences, including but not limited to Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Cloud Computing, Fog Computing, Data Analytics, Natural Language Processing, Expert System, Robotics, Fuzzy Logic, Neural Network, Operations Calculus, Functional Analysis, Differential Geometry, Calculus of Variations, Game Theory, Fluid Mechanics, Numerical Analysis, Operations Research, Theory and Stochastic Process Mathematical Modelling Astronomy and Astrophysics Statistics and combinatorics. The journal aims to publish innovative and cutting-edge research that has the potential to make a significant impact in these fields.

IJAIMS employs a rigorous and fair double-blind peer-review process to ensure the quality and integrity of published papers. All papers submitted to the journal are reviewed by at least two independent experts in the relevant field. The journal also maintains a high standard of ethical conduct, and all published papers are expected to comply with the ethical guidelines for research and publication.

Overall, IJAIMS is a valuable resource for researchers, scholars, and practitioners who are interested in artificial intelligence and mathematical sciences. The journal provides a platform for sharing knowledge, promoting innovation, and advancing the state of the art in these exciting and rapidly evolving fields. 

Open Access Statement 

This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.


Publication Fee 

The journal does not charge authors any kind of fee. The publication in IJAIMS is totally free of cost. There is no hidden fee at all.


License Type

CC BY-SA: This license allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to the creator. The license allows for commercial use. If you remix, adapt or build upon the material, you must license the modified material under identical terms.

CC BY-SA includes the following elements:
BY  – Credit must be given to the creator
SA  – Adaptations must be shared under the same terms



Submission of a paper is meant for the work designated that has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract/ a part of public lecture/thesis). The paper must not be under consideration elsewhere and its final publication process has been approved by the co-authors. In case the manuscript is accepted, all authors need to agree on the automatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher. The same will not be published elsewhere without the agreement of the copyrighted sources.


Peer Review Policy

At least two appropriate members of the artificial intelligence and mathematics community will referee all submissions. The acceptance criteria for all papers are the quality and originality of the research and its significance to our readership. Except where otherwise stated, manuscripts are double-blind peer reviewed. Papers will only be sent to review if the Editor-in-Chief determines that the paper meets the appropriate quality and relevance requirements.


Repository Policy

All the published work is deposited in the repository of Higher Education Commission of Pakistan by default. The access to anti-plagiarism tool is provided to all Universities and Degree Awarding Institutions of Pakistan by the HEC.