Performance Analysis for the Diagnosis of COVID-19 Prediction by Mathematical Modeling & Simulation
Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) method. The system can be conscious and adaptable to changes in concepts when emphatically programmed for presence based on prior experience. The study built and examined several sorts of ML algorithms in this work by creating a classifier depending on a predefined model to estimate COVID-19. The ML approach might be used in any sector of medicine, including diagnostics. COVID-19 forecast research is still needed, and there is a need to improve the diagnostic COVID-19 methodology. Several investigations have varied objectives regarding COVID-19 estimation methods that employ techniques. The purpose of this effort was to provide an integrative strategy to enhance the accuracy, precision, and recall of the COVID-19 proposed method. This study supports the utilization of ML and DL approaches. It is an essential element in the analysis of ML approaches such as K-Means and is applied to both supervised and unsupervised learning concepts. Several of these ML algorithms use various approaches to examine and perform the Decision Tree ,Naive Bayes and Multi-Layer Perceptron algorithms. Equivalent data sets were examined for clustering and classification approaches, including K-Means techniques. It was demonstrated that outcomes could be foreseen that were efficient, effective, and accurate.The best algorithmic outcome for COVID-19 case detection was achieved by combining K-Means with Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs), resulting in an accuracy of 99.88%.
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